Hamara MMA - Vol. 5

Upcoming MMA Events

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The event significance (star rating) meter is a scale of 0.5 to 5.0 stars. The rating is a quality-based metric consisting of 1/3 divisional importance, 1/3 total rating, 1/6 competitiveness and 1/6 perceived name value derived from all-time rankings. Some assumptions are made for events that are incomplete in order to generate an assumed rating. To be displayed, events must have at least one qualifying bout, in which one or both fighters are currently ranked or be the main event where both fighters have been ranked previously.

Saturday, May 4th 2024

Finland  Hamara MMA - Vol. 5 [Hamara MMA]


Bout   Weight
 [#101 HW] Shota Betlemidze [NR] Toni Valtonen265
Last Fight Date: 3/02/2024 [Georgian Fighting Championship]
Last Opponent: [NR] Navruzbek Urakov
Last 5: W W W W W
Last Fight: N/A