Category Archives: Training

Most Popular Filipino Martial Arts Styles

Apr 24, 2024

Before guns and technology, humans relied on fists, sticks, and kicks. Of course, we are a long way from the Stone Age, but the knowledge has passed down several generations and has become what we now know as martial arts. For many Asian countries, especially the Philippines, martial arts is an identity. Martial artists like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li among others, thrilled spectators with the art of the last few decades. Meanwhile, the advent of MMA and UFC and its Hollywood portrayal further exposed martial arts on the global stage. FMA is adaptive and effective. As a result, they are suitable for recreational athletes, professional fighters, stunt artists, and action stars. Let us explore the most popular FMA styles and increase your understanding.

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Overcoming Mental Barriers During Athletic Training

Apr 22, 2024
A. J. Riot

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

The connection between the mind and body is especially important in athletics. Sports and physical competition often require athletes to push themselves to their limits, making mental determination and resilience crucial for success. The link between mental strength and physical strength has been well-known for over a century, leading to the development of a branch of psychology, sports psychology, that specifically studies how athlete’s mental performance influences their athletic performance. This article will briefly examine the link between mental and physical training while offering some evidence-based strategies to overcome mental barriers.

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The Rise of Sport Psychology: How Professionals Help Athletes Win

Apr 22, 2024
A. J. Riot

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Sports psychology is relatively new to mainstream mental health, but the theories that support it go back well over a century. A sport psychologist uses their knowledge to help athletes improve their performance and well-being. They use cognitive and behavioral skills training to enhance how athletes set goals, manage concentration, develop confidence, and self-regulate. This article will briefly explore what sports psychology is and how its techniques can be used to bolster athletic performance.

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What Martial Arts Can Teach About Resilience to Everyday Stress

Apr 22, 2024
A. J. Riot

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Martial arts are commonly cited as excellent examples of the importance of the mind-body connection. They require not only physical prowess but also enough mental strength to remain resilient during training and competitions. The mental components of martial arts shouldn’t be downplayed; the techniques used by athletes to manage stress can likely be transferred, at least in part, to other areas of life. This article will briefly explore the importance of managing stress, some prominent philosophies in martial arts, and how physical activity, in general, can help you manage stress.

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How Can MMA Training Enhance Your Lifestyle And Well-Being?

Apr 17, 2024

For a long time, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has surged in notoriety, captivating groups of onlookers with its physicality and vital ability. However, past its part as an onlooker, MMA offers several benefits that amplify distance past the limits of the octagon. Locks in MMA preparation can significantly affect your way of life and well-being, cultivating physical wellness, mental strength, and a sense of community. Let’s dig into how MMA preparation can change your body and general quality of life.

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Martial Arts for Kids: How It Can Help Them More Focused, Stronger, and Healthier

Apr 2, 2024

Many kids these days lead a sedentary lifestyle, spending long hours on their mobile phones and hardly going out to play. It is becoming essential that the parents encourage them to stay active and healthy. Traditional sports like basketball, swimming, and soccer certainly have their merits. There is one sport that offers many additional benefits – martial arts.

In the ancient world, martial arts such as Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, and others were not just useful for building physical strength, they also helped in discipline, mental resilience, and improved overall wellbeing too. Take for instance karate. It can make the kids learn self-defense techniques and make them more competitive. This sport can also make the kids more focused, stronger, and healthier, thus impacting their overall well-being.

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Optimizing Your Health and Fitness Journey with the Right Supplements

Mar 27, 2024
A. J. Riot

Reaching your peak physical health and fitness potential requires dedication across multiple facets of wellness. Proper exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management all play key roles. However, even the most diligent health and fitness enthusiasts can occasionally benefit from an extra boost.

Strategically selected supplements provide that supplemental lift to overcome plateaus, enhance recovery, and achieve goals more efficiently. With hundreds of products on the market spanning categories like protein, pre-workout, multivitamins, and more, choosing the right supplements for your needs makes all the difference.

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The 7 Best Strength Workouts for Fighters

Mar 26, 2024
A. J. Riot

Whether you’re into boxing, MMA, or any other combat sport, you want to throw punches like a pro and you want to dodge hits like they’re nothing. You’ll need some fancy footwork and lightning-fast reflexes, but you probably know that already. What you may not know is just how important strength training is to achieve this. It makes you tougher, faster, and more powerful. Imagine if you had a rock-solid core; you would be able to take a hit like nobody’s business. Strength training could make your arms deliver knockout blows, your legs could launch you across the mat in the blink of an eye… In short, you wouldn’t be a good fighter any longer, you’d be a great one. 

Now, the trick is knowing which workouts are effective and which don’t deserve your attention. We’ll go through 7 superstars that will make your opponents shake in their boots before you even step in the arena, so grab your gear and let’s get to it!

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Potential Role of Cannabinoids on Sports Recovery

Mar 21, 2024
A. J. Riot

Proponents for using cannabinoids for sport-recovery often iterate the use of CBD for athletic recovery. According to science, cannabinoids offer significant benefits to athletes in both performance and recovery.

While evidence on the efficacy of cannabinoids remains comparatively low, many athletes and former athletes continue to buy products at online stores.

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Jiu Jitsu: The Gentle Art of Self-Defense

Mar 16, 2024

Jiu Jitsu, which means “gentle art” in Japanese, is a form of martial arts that focuses on using an attacker’s force against them rather than directly opposing it with your own force. With roots going back to feudal Japan and samurai warriors, Jiu Jitsu has evolved over centuries into both a modern sport and a practical self-defense system.

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