Generated Historical Rankings

These ranking sets have been generated by a recent version of the software, using recent data and will not match previously published issues of the rankings, especially since a majority of these generated sets are for dates much earlier than the site’s inception.

Rankings will list until the next multiple of 5 (Top 5, 10, 15, etc.) after the last fighter at or above 20 points is found, to a maximum amount (found in the current rankings).  At a bare minimum, a fighter needs at least 15 points to be displayed, so in some cases, the next multiple of 5 may not be reached.

Gathering data for the “unknown division lists” are crucial in building these sets, so if you want to help us research, please review these lists and inform us in the forum.

Some of the older divisional lists are very small, or even blank, due to limited fights and/or limited data.

Once deemed as retired or assumed as such (no fights scheduled, no fights in past 900 days from last update or manually marked as retired/deceased/etc), fighters are removed from any ranking pages more recent than their last fight.  This is the one major difference between these sets and the current rankings.

Note: Fighter records within these historical rankings represent their records at the date of the rankings.

Rating Formula:
<< Previous Issue Next Issue >>
Issue     Division  

Note: Rankings include fights on selected date!
Last Generated on 03/29/2024
Rank ↑ ↓ Fighter Record Points
201 21 Joey Faletagoai 3-0-0
202 21 Demoreo Dennis 7-5-0
203 21 Tyrell Fortune 5-0-0
204 NR Christian Anderson 2-0-0
205 22 Nick Barno 7-2-0
206 22 Ricco Rodriguez 54-26-0
207 -63 Sang Soo Lee 18-12-1
208 22 Tassilo Lahr 12-6-1
209 NR Patrick Martin 6-5-0
210 19 Dion Staring 37-16-0
211 20 Alexander Khanin 4-1-0
212 20 Ilya Bochkov 4-2-0
213 NR Rashaun Jackson 4-1-0
214 20 Matt Kovacs 14-18-0
215 18 Alexandru Lungu 17-5-0
216 NR Prince Aounallah 14-8-0
217 21 Alain Ngalani 4-4-0
218 -51 Calyn Hull 5-1-0
219 NR Frank Tate 6-5-0
220 20 Gregory Robinet 6-3-0
221 -63 Shawn Teed 5-2-0
222 20 Dustin Joynson 4-0-0
223 20 Tyree Fortune 5-0-0
224 20 Amin Ergashev 8-2-0
225 1 Douglas Humberto Queiroz Silva 11-7-0
<< Previous Issue Next Issue >>


  1. shervin January 15, 2024 at 1:57 pm Reply

    are you all not adding anymore of these generated ratings? these are incredibly good. I hope that you keep going.

    • oleg January 15, 2024 at 8:27 pm Reply

      We’re still adding and maintaining them.

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Before asking where a specific fighter is ranked or why they aren't ranked:

- We update the rankings once per week, usually on Sunday or Monday.

- Fighters who have not fought in 450 days or more ARE NOT RANKED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

- Use the "Fighter Search" option in the upper-right of the page. The fighter may be ranked in a different division.

- Most of the divisions have multiple pages beyond this one. See the clickable ranges above and below the ranking table.

Furthermore, we do not maintain the "next fight" data. This is gathered from Sherdog. Any issues regarding this data should be forwarded to them.