Bantamweight (130.0-138.0 lbs) fighter ranks
The rankings presented are computerized and provided by the FightMatrix ranking system, which utilizes a comprehensive MMA fight database to provide objective rankings. Please note, that these rankings ONLY contain fighters who have had at least one professional fight some time in the 450 days prior to the ranking date.
Issue Date: 9/15/2024 (Official Release: #936)
Rank |
↑ ↓ |
Fighter (Age) |
Record |
Points |
76 |
1 |
Reece McLaren (32)
17-9-0 |
Last Fight: 5/03/2024 [One Fighting Championship] vs [#97 BW] Yong Hu
77 |
1 |
LiLe Du (28)
41-13-0 |
Last Fight: 6/17/2024 [Jue Cheng King] vs [#92 BW] Shaoxiang Wang
78 |
1 |
Andrew Cruz
9-5-0 |
Last Fight: 8/10/2024 [Front Street Fights] vs [#100 BW] Trevin Jones
79 |
1 |
80 |
Kasum Kasumov (30)
16-1-0 |
Last Fight: 6/22/2024 [BellatorFC] vs [#209 BW] Matheus Mattos
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
Vinicius Pires (27)
9-1-0 |
Last Fight: 5/03/2024 [Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA)] vs [#437 BW] Marlon Basilio de Oliveira
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
11 |
Maharbek Karginov (32)
17-5-0 |
Last Fight: 9/08/2024 [Absolute Championship Akhmat] vs [#60 BW] Timur Valiev
91 |
1 |
Vazha Tsiptauri
14-6-1 |
Last Fight: 3/29/2024 [Absolute Championship Akhmat] vs [#253 BW] Maycon Silvan
92 |
1 |
Shaoxiang Wang
10-4-0 |
Last Fight: 6/17/2024 [Jue Cheng King] vs [#77 BW] LiLe Du
93 |
1 |
94 |
1 |
Goga Shamatava (33)
22-11-0 |
Last Fight: 5/31/2024 [Absolute Championship Akhmat] vs [#95 BW] Alimardan Abdykarov
95 |
1 |
96 |
1 |
Khalim Nazrulloev (25)
10-0-0 |
Last Fight: 8/02/2024 [One Fighting Championship] vs [NR] Jamoliddin Rakhmonjonov
97 |
1 |
Yong Hu (28)
12-5-0 |
Last Fight: 5/03/2024 [One Fighting Championship] vs [#76 BW] Reece McLaren
98 |
1 |
Renat Ondar
13-4-0 |
Last Fight: 5/17/2024 [Absolute Championship Akhmat] vs [#201 BW] Igor Zhirkov
99 |
100 |
Trevin Jones (34)
15-12-0 |
Last Fight: 8/10/2024 [Front Street Fights] vs [#78 BW] Andrew Cruz
Issue Date: 9/15/2024 (Official Release: #936)Previous Official Release: 9/08/2024
Fighters who have dropped out: [#109] Velimurad Alkhasov*, [#163] Zebenzui Ruiz+, [#190] Ronnie Lawrence*, [#268] Damian Pinas+, [#279] Antun Racic*, [#341] Matt Schnell%, [#421] Magomed Bayduev+, [#444] Luis Guerrero+, [#496] Juan Pablo Mendoza+, [#513] Han Kil Choi!, [#529] Santiago Luna+
Drop out symbols: * = Inactive (450d), + = Moved Divisions (Up), - = Moved Divisions (Down), % = Forced, ! = Results/Other
<< < Ranked Fighters: 76-100 > >>
Anas Azizoun is french and not german