Michel da Cruz Lima
Complete Professional MMA Fight History
Fighter rankings represent most recent generated quarterly rating prior to the fight
Opponent | Outcome | |
W | Luan Matheus |
TKO (Body Kick and Punches) Round 1 |
LFA 191 - Prado vs. Lopes Friday, August 30th 2024 |
L | Khasein Shaikhaev |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
LFA 182 - McKee vs. Hernandez Friday, April 26th 2024 |
W | Rogerio Ferreira Furtado |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
Spartacus MMA - Spartacus Fight Event 35 Saturday, April 1st 2023 |
L |
Renan Oliveira #249 Featherweight |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
Shooto Brazil - Shooto Brazil 113 Friday, November 25th 2022 |
L |
Maike Linhares Galvao Amorim #171 Featherweight |
Decision (Split) Round 5 |
BFS 4 - Brazilian Fighting Series 4 Sunday, December 12th 2021 |
W | Sozinaldo Palheta Duarte Jr. |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
BFS 1 - Brazilian Fighting Series 1 Sunday, August 8th 2021 |
L |
Abdulmutalib Gairbekov #274 Featherweight |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
Rebel FC 9 - Return of the Champion Saturday, September 7th 2019 |
W | Biekemulati Nulijiao |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
WLF - W.A.R.S. 32 Friday, March 15th 2019 |
W | Jieleyisi Baergeng |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
WLF - W.A.R.S. 30 Friday, December 14th 2018 |
W | Valto Carvalho Ribeiro |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
Qualify Combat 3 - In Search of Glory Saturday, November 25th 2017 |
W |
Glyan Alves #338 Bantamweight |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
IFC - Iron Fight Combat 11 Saturday, July 29th 2017 |
W | Clecio Pereira |
SUB Round 1 |
Fight On 4 Saturday, April 1st 2017 |
W | Wellerson Ferreira |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
VFC 5 - Velame Fight Combat 5 Saturday, September 10th 2016 |
L |
Arivaldo Lima da Silva #379 Featherweight |
Submission (Guilhotine Choke) Round 3 |
IFC - Iron Fight Combat 9 Friday, May 20th 2016 |
W | Lucas Tavares |
TKO (Punches) Round 3 |
CFC - Cross Fighting Champions 2 Saturday, January 16th 2016 |
W | Gerson Pereira de Jesus |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
O Rei da Arena Fight - The King of Arena F... Saturday, November 14th 2015 |
W | Jackson Moraes |
TKO (Punches) Round 2 |
IFC - Iron Fight Combat 8 Saturday, June 6th 2015 |
W | Jose Nildo da Fonseca Souza |
Submission (Brabo Choke) Round 1 |
Shooto Brazil - Shooto Brazil 51 Friday, November 21st 2014 |
W | Ronaldo Figueiredo Lima Jr. |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
Extreme Fighter - Nordeste Thursday, August 28th 2014 |
W | Eduardo Batista Ramos Filho |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
SFF - Sao Francisco Fight 4 Saturday, May 17th 2014 |
W | Marcelo Guarilha Faro de Jesus |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
IFC 6 - Iron Fight Combat 6 Thursday, December 19th 2013 |
W | Alricesar dos Santos Gomes |
TKO (Retirement) Round 2 |
SFF - Sao Francisco Fight 3 Saturday, August 31st 2013 |
L | Rodrigo Almeida |
Submission (Guillotine Choke) Round 2 |
SFC - Sao Francisco Fight 2 Saturday, December 15th 2012 |
W | Emerson Coelho |
KO (Spinning Back Kick to the Body) Round 1 |
Xoperia Fight 2 - Revenge Saturday, September 22nd 2012 |
W | Wenderson Lopes |
KO (Punch) Round 1 |
XF - Xoperia Fight 1 Saturday, July 7th 2012 |
Opponent | Event | Outcome | |
W | Luan Matheus |
LFA 191 - Prado vs. Lopes Friday, August 30th 2024 |
TKO (Body Kick and Punches) Round 1 |
L | Khasein Shaikhaev |
LFA 182 - McKee vs. Hernandez Friday, April 26th 2024 |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
W | Rogerio Ferreira Furtado |
Spartacus MMA - Spartacus Fight Event 35 Saturday, April 1st 2023 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
L |
Renan Oliveira #249 Featherweight |
Shooto Brazil - Shooto Brazil 113 Friday, November 25th 2022 |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
L |
Maike Linhares Galvao Amorim #171 Featherweight |
BFS 4 - Brazilian Fighting Series 4 Sunday, December 12th 2021 |
Decision (Split) Round 5 |
W | Sozinaldo Palheta Duarte Jr. |
BFS 1 - Brazilian Fighting Series 1 Sunday, August 8th 2021 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
L |
Abdulmutalib Gairbekov #274 Featherweight |
Rebel FC 9 - Return of the Champion Saturday, September 7th 2019 |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
W | Biekemulati Nulijiao |
WLF - W.A.R.S. 32 Friday, March 15th 2019 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Jieleyisi Baergeng |
WLF - W.A.R.S. 30 Friday, December 14th 2018 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Valto Carvalho Ribeiro |
Qualify Combat 3 - In Search of Glory Saturday, November 25th 2017 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W |
Glyan Alves #338 Bantamweight |
IFC - Iron Fight Combat 11 Saturday, July 29th 2017 |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
W | Clecio Pereira |
Fight On 4 Saturday, April 1st 2017 |
SUB Round 1 |
W | Wellerson Ferreira |
VFC 5 - Velame Fight Combat 5 Saturday, September 10th 2016 |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
L |
Arivaldo Lima da Silva #379 Featherweight |
IFC - Iron Fight Combat 9 Friday, May 20th 2016 |
Submission (Guilhotine Choke) Round 3 |
W | Lucas Tavares |
CFC - Cross Fighting Champions 2 Saturday, January 16th 2016 |
TKO (Punches) Round 3 |
W | Gerson Pereira de Jesus |
O Rei da Arena Fight - The King of Arena F... Saturday, November 14th 2015 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Jackson Moraes |
IFC - Iron Fight Combat 8 Saturday, June 6th 2015 |
TKO (Punches) Round 2 |
W | Jose Nildo da Fonseca Souza |
Shooto Brazil - Shooto Brazil 51 Friday, November 21st 2014 |
Submission (Brabo Choke) Round 1 |
W | Ronaldo Figueiredo Lima Jr. |
Extreme Fighter - Nordeste Thursday, August 28th 2014 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Eduardo Batista Ramos Filho |
SFF - Sao Francisco Fight 4 Saturday, May 17th 2014 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Marcelo Guarilha Faro de Jesus |
IFC 6 - Iron Fight Combat 6 Thursday, December 19th 2013 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Alricesar dos Santos Gomes |
SFF - Sao Francisco Fight 3 Saturday, August 31st 2013 |
TKO (Retirement) Round 2 |
L | Rodrigo Almeida |
SFC - Sao Francisco Fight 2 Saturday, December 15th 2012 |
Submission (Guillotine Choke) Round 2 |
W | Emerson Coelho |
Xoperia Fight 2 - Revenge Saturday, September 22nd 2012 |
KO (Spinning Back Kick to the Body) Round 1 |
W | Wenderson Lopes |
XF - Xoperia Fight 1 Saturday, July 7th 2012 |
KO (Punch) Round 1 |
Quarterly Generated Historical Rankings
Rating bar represents the fighter's standing relative to the top of the division at the time
Date | ↑ ↓ | Rank | Record | Points | ||
01/01/2025 | 10 | #180 Bantamweight | 19-6-0 |
10/01/2024 | 49 | #190 Bantamweight | 19-6-0 |
07/01/2024 | NR | #239 Bantamweight | 18-6-0 |
04/01/2024 | 9 | #357 Featherweight | 18-5-0 |
01/01/2024 | 65 | #366 Featherweight | 18-5-0 |
10/01/2023 | 11 | #431 Featherweight | 18-5-0 |
07/01/2023 | 113 | #420 Featherweight | 18-5-0 |
04/01/2023 | 28 | #307 Featherweight | 18-5-0 |
01/01/2023 | 3 | #335 Featherweight | 17-5-0 |
10/01/2022 | 30 | #332 Featherweight | 17-4-0 |
07/01/2022 | 7 | #302 Featherweight | 17-4-0 |
04/01/2022 | 6 | #295 Featherweight | 17-4-0 |
01/01/2022 | 4 | #289 Featherweight | 17-4-0 |
10/01/2021 | NR | #293 Featherweight | 17-3-0 |
10/01/2020 | 22 | #405 Featherweight | 16-3-0 |
07/01/2020 | 14 | #383 Featherweight | 16-3-0 |
04/01/2020 | 25 | #397 Featherweight | 16-3-0 |
01/01/2020 | 9 | #422 Featherweight | 16-3-0 |
10/01/2019 | 41 | #413 Featherweight | 16-3-0 |
07/01/2019 | 7 | #372 Featherweight | 16-2-0 |
04/01/2019 | 92 | #379 Featherweight | 16-2-0 |
01/01/2019 | NR | #471 Featherweight | 15-2-0 |
10/01/2018 | 2 | #357 Bantamweight | 14-2-0 |
07/01/2018 | 11 | #359 Bantamweight | 14-2-0 |
04/01/2018 | 18 | #348 Bantamweight | 14-2-0 |
01/01/2018 | 99 | #330 Bantamweight | 14-2-0 |
10/01/2017 | NR | #429 Bantamweight | 13-2-0 |
04/01/2016 | 22 | #366 Bantamweight | 10-1-0 |
01/01/2016 | NR | #344 Bantamweight | 9-1-0 |