Haron Orzumiev
Association: N/A Pro Debut Date: 2015-02-28 Pro Record: 6-3-0 |
Win Finish %: 66.6%
Quality Perf. %: 37.5%
Last Ranked: 10/01/2020 Highest Quarterly Ranking: 10/01/2017 |
Complete Professional MMA Fight History
Fighter rankings represent most recent generated quarterly rating prior to the fight
Opponent | Outcome | |
L | Shamil Abdulkhamidov |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
Eagle FC 54 - Yamilov vs. Mamedov Saturday, November 11th 2023 |
W | Zikpli Anoumou |
Submission (Triangle Choke) Round 1 |
Shogun MMA - Shogun FC 7 Saturday, December 17th 2022 |
L |
Kyle Reyes #206 Featherweight |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
ACA 98 - Fight Day Saturday, August 31st 2019 |
W | Daniyar Bostonov |
Submission (Choke) Round 1 |
RFC - Bashlam Battle 11 Sunday, August 12th 2018 |
W |
Filip Macek #424 Bantamweight |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
ACB 70: Barnatt vs Askham Saturday, September 23rd 2017 |
W |
Soso Nizharadze #279 Bantamweight |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
ACB 56 - Young Eagles 16 Saturday, April 1st 2017 |
L |
Petr Yan #470 Bantamweight |
Submission (Guillotine Choke) Round 1 |
ACB 19: Berkut Cup 2015 - Stage 4 Saturday, May 30th 2015 |
W |
Ilfat Amirov #451 Featherweight |
Submission (Kimura) Round 1 |
ACB 14 - Grand Prix 2015 Saturday, February 28th 2015 |
Opponent | Event | Outcome | |
L | Shamil Abdulkhamidov |
Eagle FC 54 - Yamilov vs. Mamedov Saturday, November 11th 2023 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Zikpli Anoumou |
Shogun MMA - Shogun FC 7 Saturday, December 17th 2022 |
Submission (Triangle Choke) Round 1 |
L |
Kyle Reyes #206 Featherweight |
ACA 98 - Fight Day Saturday, August 31st 2019 |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
W | Daniyar Bostonov |
RFC - Bashlam Battle 11 Sunday, August 12th 2018 |
Submission (Choke) Round 1 |
W |
Filip Macek #424 Bantamweight |
ACB 70: Barnatt vs Askham Saturday, September 23rd 2017 |
Decision (Split) Round 3 |
W |
Soso Nizharadze #279 Bantamweight |
ACB 56 - Young Eagles 16 Saturday, April 1st 2017 |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
L |
Petr Yan #470 Bantamweight |
ACB 19: Berkut Cup 2015 - Stage 4 Saturday, May 30th 2015 |
Submission (Guillotine Choke) Round 1 |
W |
Ilfat Amirov #451 Featherweight |
ACB 14 - Grand Prix 2015 Saturday, February 28th 2015 |
Submission (Kimura) Round 1 |
Quarterly Generated Historical Rankings
Rating bar represents the fighter's standing relative to the top of the division at the time
Date | ↑ ↓ | Rank | Record | Points | ||
10/01/2020 | 18 | #575 Featherweight | 4-2-0 |
07/01/2020 | 13 | #557 Featherweight | 4-2-0 |
04/01/2020 | 19 | #570 Featherweight | 4-2-0 |
01/01/2020 | 11 | #589 Featherweight | 4-2-0 |
10/01/2019 | 161 | #578 Featherweight | 4-2-0 |
07/01/2019 | 16 | #417 Featherweight | 4-1-0 |
04/01/2019 | 20 | #433 Featherweight | 4-1-0 |
01/01/2019 | 17 | #413 Featherweight | 4-1-0 |
10/01/2018 | NR | #430 Featherweight | 4-1-0 |
07/01/2018 | 3 | #204 Bantamweight | 3-1-0 |
04/01/2018 | 19 | #201 Bantamweight | 3-1-0 |
01/01/2018 | 2 | #182 Bantamweight | 3-1-0 |
10/01/2017 | 1 | #180 Bantamweight | 3-1-0 |
07/01/2017 | #181 Bantamweight | 2-1-0 |
04/01/2017 | NR | #181 Bantamweight | 2-1-0 |
07/01/2016 | 67 | #473 Bantamweight | 1-1-0 |
04/01/2016 | 20 | #406 Bantamweight | 1-1-0 |
01/01/2016 | #386 Bantamweight | 1-1-0 |
10/01/2015 | 10 | #386 Bantamweight | 1-1-0 |
07/01/2015 | 129 | #376 Bantamweight | 1-1-0 |
04/01/2015 | NR | #247 Bantamweight | 1-0-0 |