Middleweight (176.0-190.9 lbs) fighter ranks
The rankings presented are computerized and provided by the FightMatrix ranking system, which utilizes a comprehensive MMA fight database to provide objective rankings. Please note, that these rankings ONLY contain fighters who have had at least one professional fight some time in the 450 days prior to the ranking date.
Issue Date: 9/01/2024 (Official Release: #934)
Rank |
↑ ↓ |
Fighter (Age) |
Record |
Points |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Paulo Costa (33)
14-4-0 |
Last Fight: 6/01/2024 [UFC] vs [#2 MW] Sean Strickland
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Derek Brunson (40)
24-9-0 |
Last Fight: 11/24/2023 [Professional Fighters League] vs [#42 WW] Ray Cooper III
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
Chris Curtis (37)
31-11-0 |
Last Fight: 4/06/2024 [UFC] vs [#12 MW] Brendan Allen
20 |
21 |
22 |
Joe Pyfer (27)
13-3-0 |
Last Fight: 6/29/2024 [UFC] vs [#37 MW] Marc-Andre Barriault
23 |
24 |
Paul Craig (36)
17-8-1 |
Last Fight: 5/04/2024 [UFC] vs [#8 MW] Caio Borralho
25 |
Andre Muniz (34)
24-6-0 |
Last Fight: 12/09/2023 [UFC] vs [#29 MW] Jun Yong Park
Issue Date: 9/01/2024 (Official Release: #934)Previous Official Release: 8/25/2024
Fighters who have dropped out: [#30] Mamed Khalidov*, [#93] Grant Neal+, [#377] Jose Cleiton de Melo Jr.-, [#390] Tae Young Yoon!, [#398] Gazimurad Magomedov!, [#399] Ole Magnor!, [#400] Dhouglas Ribeiro!
Drop out symbols: * = Inactive (450d), + = Moved Divisions (Up), - = Moved Divisions (Down), % = Forced, ! = Results/Other
Ranked Fighters: 1-25 > >>