Bantamweight (130.0-138.0 lbs) fighter ranks
The rankings presented are computerized and provided by the FightMatrix ranking system, which utilizes a comprehensive MMA fight database to provide objective rankings. Please note, that these rankings ONLY contain fighters who have had at least one professional fight some time in the 450 days prior to the ranking date.
Issue Date: 9/08/2024 (Official Release: #935)
Rank |
↑ ↓ |
Fighter (Age) |
Record |
Points |
501 |
4 |
Victor Gabriel
4-2-0 |
Last Fight: 10/28/2023 [Cidade da Luta] vs [NR] Rodrigo Alves
502 |
8 |
Roman Paulus (24)
11-4-0 |
Last Fight: 1/27/2024 [Oktagon MMA] vs [NR] Nathan Haywood
503 |
4 |
Chase Whitmer
3-1-0 |
Last Fight: 8/23/2024 [Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA)] vs [NR] Aiden Ingram
504 |
4 |
505 |
3 |
Mark Grey (31)
6-1-0 |
Last Fight: 4/12/2024 [Cage Fury FC] vs [#195 FW] Vilson Ndregjoni
506 |
3 |
507 |
3 |
John Robles (42)
7-4-1 |
Last Fight: 5/11/2024 [Northwest Fight Promotions] vs [NR] Daniel McElhaney
508 |
2 |
509 |
2 |
510 |
2 |
511 |
2 |
512 |
14 |
513 |
3 |
514 |
9 |
515 |
3 |
Sanjarbek Kurbonov
5-5-0 |
Last Fight: 5/11/2024 [Muradov Professional League] vs [NR] Begzod Orinboev
516 |
3 |
517 |
3 |
518 |
3 |
519 |
3 |
520 |
3 |
521 |
3 |
Zhanibek Tynyshtykov
2-0-0 |
Last Fight: 8/10/2024 [Naiza Fighter Championship] vs [NR] Serkhan Valili
522 |
11 |
523 |
4 |
Hayden Maggard
4-0-0 |
Last Fight: 7/13/2024 [Full Contact Fighting Federation] vs [NR] Brian Sheard
524 |
4 |
525 |
NR |
Elvis Espinoza (25)
3-0-0 |
Last Fight: 11/25/2023 [Spartan Fit Zone] vs [NR] Jeremix Castellanos
Issue Date: 9/08/2024 (Official Release: #935)Previous Official Release: 9/01/2024
Fighters who have dropped out: [#123] Sung Hoon Woo*, [#177] Fabricio Jonas da Silva Martins+, [#198] Nathan Fletcher+, [#397] Leandro dos Santos Trindade!, [#410] Mridul Saikia-, [#464] Cristiano Cruz+, [#546] Jesse Bazzi!, [#547] Muhammad Aiman!, [#548] Alisson Fernandes Silva!, [#549] Carlos Vinicius Alves De Oliveira!, [#550] Kyle Estrada!
Drop out symbols: * = Inactive (450d), + = Moved Divisions (Up), - = Moved Divisions (Down), % = Forced, ! = Results/Other
<< < Ranked Fighters: 501-525 > >>
Anas Azizoun is french and not german