Thiago Resende Campos
Association: X-Gym Pro Debut Date: 2013-11-30 Pro Record: 2-1-0 |
Win Finish %: 100.0%
Quality Perf. %: 33.3%
Last Ranked: 1/01/2016 Highest Quarterly Ranking: 1/01/2014 |
Complete Professional MMA Fight History
Fighter rankings represent most recent generated quarterly rating prior to the fight
Opponent | Outcome | |
L | Leonardo Casotti |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
OFMMA - Open Fight MMA 2 Saturday, April 30th 2016 |
W | Alan Ribeiro Soares |
Submission Round 2 |
Coliseu Fight - CFC for Rookies Saturday, November 22nd 2014 |
W |
Jonathan Gary #257 Lightweight |
TKO (Knee to the Groin and Punches) Round 1 |
HCC 14 - Haidar Capixaba Combat 14 Saturday, November 30th 2013 |
Opponent | Event | Outcome | |
L | Leonardo Casotti |
OFMMA - Open Fight MMA 2 Saturday, April 30th 2016 |
TKO (Punches) Round 1 |
W | Alan Ribeiro Soares |
Coliseu Fight - CFC for Rookies Saturday, November 22nd 2014 |
Submission Round 2 |
W |
Jonathan Gary #257 Lightweight |
HCC 14 - Haidar Capixaba Combat 14 Saturday, November 30th 2013 |
TKO (Knee to the Groin and Punches) Round 1 |
Quarterly Generated Historical Rankings
Rating bar represents the fighter's standing relative to the top of the division at the time
Date | ↑ ↓ | Rank | Record | Points | ||
01/01/2016 | 58 | #498 Lightweight | 2-0-0 |
10/01/2015 | 21 | #440 Lightweight | 2-0-0 |
07/01/2015 | 18 | #419 Lightweight | 2-0-0 |
04/01/2015 | 6 | #401 Lightweight | 2-0-0 |
01/01/2015 | 10 | #395 Lightweight | 2-0-0 |
10/01/2014 | #385 Lightweight | 1-0-0 |
07/01/2014 | 22 | #385 Lightweight | 1-0-0 |
04/01/2014 | 9 | #363 Lightweight | 1-0-0 |
01/01/2014 | NR | #354 Lightweight | 1-0-0 |