Haris Talundzic
Complete Professional MMA Fight History
Fighter rankings represent most recent generated quarterly rating prior to the fight
Opponent | Outcome | |
W | Ovidio Bojorquez |
Submission (Neck Crank) Round 3 |
LFA 195 - Wetzell vs. Usmonov Friday, October 25th 2024 |
L |
Daniel Frunza #359 Welterweight |
KO (Elbow and Punches) Round 3 |
LFA 170 - Talundzic vs. Frunza Friday, October 27th 2023 |
W |
Omoyele Gonzalez #394 Welterweight |
Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) Round 1 |
LFA 147 - Melo vs. Costa Friday, November 18th 2022 |
L |
Chris Brown #184 Welterweight |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
LFA 141 - Talundzic vs. Brown Friday, September 9th 2022 |
W |
Bahatebole Batebolati #238 Middleweight |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
LFA 133 - Stack vs. Delano Friday, June 3rd 2022 |
W | Brock Smith |
Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Round 2 |
LFA 116 - Fremd vs. Valente Friday, October 22nd 2021 |
W | Gabriel Gideon |
Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Round 1 |
LFA 109: McKinney vs. Irizarry Friday, June 4th 2021 |
W | Luis Iniguez |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
LFA 102: Souza vs. Johns Friday, March 19th 2021 |
W | Adam Valcourt |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
DCS 57: Season's Beatings Friday, December 6th 2019 |
Opponent | Event | Outcome | |
W | Ovidio Bojorquez |
LFA 195 - Wetzell vs. Usmonov Friday, October 25th 2024 |
Submission (Neck Crank) Round 3 |
L |
Daniel Frunza #359 Welterweight |
LFA 170 - Talundzic vs. Frunza Friday, October 27th 2023 |
KO (Elbow and Punches) Round 3 |
W |
Omoyele Gonzalez #394 Welterweight |
LFA 147 - Melo vs. Costa Friday, November 18th 2022 |
Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) Round 1 |
L |
Chris Brown #184 Welterweight |
LFA 141 - Talundzic vs. Brown Friday, September 9th 2022 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W |
Bahatebole Batebolati #238 Middleweight |
LFA 133 - Stack vs. Delano Friday, June 3rd 2022 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Brock Smith |
LFA 116 - Fremd vs. Valente Friday, October 22nd 2021 |
Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Round 2 |
W | Gabriel Gideon |
LFA 109: McKinney vs. Irizarry Friday, June 4th 2021 |
Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Round 1 |
W | Luis Iniguez |
LFA 102: Souza vs. Johns Friday, March 19th 2021 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
W | Adam Valcourt |
DCS 57: Season's Beatings Friday, December 6th 2019 |
Decision (Unanimous) Round 3 |
Quarterly Generated Historical Rankings
Rating bar represents the fighter's standing relative to the top of the division at the time
Date | ↑ ↓ | Rank | Record | Points | ||
01/01/2025 | 62 | #394 Welterweight | 7-2-0 |
10/01/2024 | 6 | #456 Welterweight | 6-2-0 |
07/01/2024 | 27 | #450 Welterweight | 6-2-0 |
04/01/2024 | 5 | #423 Welterweight | 6-2-0 |
01/01/2024 | 135 | #428 Welterweight | 6-2-0 |
10/01/2023 | 2 | #293 Welterweight | 6-1-0 |
07/01/2023 | 14 | #295 Welterweight | 6-1-0 |
04/01/2023 | 13 | #281 Welterweight | 6-1-0 |
01/01/2023 | 105 | #268 Welterweight | 6-1-0 |
10/01/2022 | 83 | #373 Welterweight | 5-1-0 |
07/01/2022 | 189 | #290 Welterweight | 5-0-0 |
04/01/2022 | 25 | #479 Welterweight | 4-0-0 |
01/01/2022 | 123 | #454 Welterweight | 4-0-0 |
10/01/2021 | NR | #577 Welterweight | 3-0-0 |